WOW What a Walk!

I would have never guessed that 72 hours could change my life so dramatically. 

This past weekend I went on a Women’s Walk to Emmaus.

I was surrounded by a group of women who were united in one desire: draw closer to God.

We laughed, we cried, we laughed until we cried.

72 hours of being submerged in God’s lavish love.

There are no words to describe it!

I came home with a renewed faith and joy and with a deeper desire than ever to serve the Lord.

If you haven’t heard of the Walk or know of it but haven’t been, I can’t encourage you enough to find out about it.

It will truly change your walk with Christ.

To learn about this amazing adventure, click here Walk to Emmaus

Do you have a testimony about a time of remarkable spiritual renewal?

In case you missed my post on Friday, check it out! You might learn a thing or two from Scotch!

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    The Conversation

  1. I'm thankful God blessed you with such a wonderful experience. I went on the Emmaus walk nearly 20 years ago and am happy you got to go.

  2. Eryn Grace says:

    That's so cool! I never heard of such a thing. Knowing me, I'd get lost and would wander the wilderness for 40 years or something, but it'd be enlightening! 🙂 Very cool!

    • I wondered how much walking we'd have to do in the June heat 🙂
      But, it's a spiritual walk with many dear women who will inspire and encourage you – and you will de the same for them. Do a little checking. If there's one in your area, I HIGHLY recommend it!

  3. Glad you went and gained so much. I have heard great things about the walk

  4. You'd love it, Judy! What a blessing it's been for me.