Grab a Gift!

I [Lord] am giving you the
service of the priesthood as a gift.
Numbers 18:7

Gift – we all know what a gift
is and we love to get them.

Pretty wrapping paper, big bow,
anticipation, excitement.

How often have you been given a
birthday gift, thanked the giver profusely, put it in the closet, and never
open it?

I thought so.

But we each have a birthday gift* from God we seldom open:

  • Teacher

  • Helper

  • Administration

  • Encourager

  • Giver

  • Leadership

  • Mercy

  • Wisdom

  • Discernment

Gee, what a list! Kind of intimidating, isn’t it?

Like it or not, we all have one of these.

Now, let’s apply them to Numbers:

  • I [Lord] am giving you the service of teaching as a gift.

  • I [Lord] am giving you the service of encouragement as a gift.

  • I [Lord] am giving you the service of mercy as a gift.

  • I [Lord] am giving you the service of wisdom as a gift.

Get the point?

The spiritual gift you have is
a gift from your Father to be used in service to Him.

Your gift is not a mandate or compulsion.

You have the option to serve God.

Or not.

But can you imagine there being no teachers in your church?

No encouragers?

No leaders?

No wise members?

 How would your church function without them?

How does the church function without your gift?

Let me challenge you: Open your gift and serve God!

Do you know your spiritual gift?

How are you using your gift in your church, in your family, with
your friends?


* Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28

Photo Credit: gifts: amarosy via Depositphotos
Open gift: jurisam via depositphotos

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