Lenda Blackmon: The Blessings of Luci

I’m excited to welcome my sweet friend, Lenda Blackmon, to post on my Final Friday Friends blog. 

I have many favorite verses but the ones about love speak to me the most. The whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 13 is very special to me. Especially the last verse.

But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13 (New King James Version)

When I think of the greatest example of love, of course I think of God sending His only Son to die for us and of Jesus being willing to die for us. If not for them, where would we be?

Do you sometimes need a visual of that kind of sacrificial, unconditional love in the here a now?

I do. And God gives me one every day.

A dog, yes, a dog. Her name is Luci, a gift from my daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

She has been our hairy baby for six years now. She has the face and markings of a Yorkie, the body of a Dachshund, and the ears of a Chihuahua.

Luci loves us unconditionally; she doesn’t care what we look like, what we smell like, or what our station in life is. We could be cruel masters and she would still love us.

Every day when my husband returns home from work, that little dog goes crazy. She wiggles and runs around and around him. Then she will run and get a toy and bring it to him. She wants to play.

She wants to be with him and love on him.

We have the opportunity to love like this every day, whether it is a rebellious teenager living in our home or a homeless person on the street.

To show them Christ’s love in a way that will give them hope. .

Everyone wants and needs to be loved and, because He first loved us, we can love.

Now, I’m not saying that we should run around and around in circles and wiggle all over when we have our time with God. Although I’m sure He wouldn’t mind that on occasion. What I am saying is this: we should have that same kind of eagerness and desire when we go to sit at our Master’s feet to fellowship with Him and feast on His Word.

To love on Him and let Him love on us.

Love Him, with such abandon, holding nothing back. Just like He loves us!

Luci is my daily visual example of how I should loved unconditionally. What’s yours?

Do you dare to be a Luci for God today and love unconditionally whoever crosses your path?

Lenda Blackmon is a homemaker and lives with her husband Eugene and their dog Luci. She has 4 children, three are married and she has 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She loves spending time with her family, playing games and crafting. She is very active in her church and has published several articles on Faithwriters.com

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  1. Love this, Lenda. Very wise words. Dogs are great examples of unconditional love.

  2. Thank you for your comment, Betty. Pets do enrich our lives! Lenda