Be Still and Know

Be still and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10
It’s hot. Thunderstorms pop up in
the late-afternoon heat.
Summer: lazy days.
  • Water trickles down the outside
    of an ice tea glass.
  • Humidity clings to my skin like a
    heavy overcoat.
I sit and listen to the rumble of
thunder in the distance. I see dark clouds and an occasional flash of
lightening. I imagine the rain-cooled breeze tickling my cheek.
I sit—no thoughts race around in
my head, no lists of chores undone taunt me.
I just sit; quiet and alone.
Be still.  How often do I still before God, in the same way I rest
in the sweetness of the breeze?  When do
I clear my mind and allow God to fill me with His peace, in the same way I’m
soothed by the sound of thunder? What love He waits to pour out into our minds
and hearts—if we’ll just be still. What a joy to be in His presence—if we’ll
clear our minds of all the people who demand our attention. 
God wants to share
Himself with us!
Know…Know God: who He is, not just what He does.  Yes, I have my “quiet” time in the mornings—a
time loud with distractions; loud with the prayer requests that fill my
thoughts; loud with the call of busyness waiting for me in the day ahead. My
prayers are more important than silence before Him. My eagerness to go about my
day is more important than my time with Him. I read my Bible every morning—then
I hurry off to do my own thing.
But what does God desire above
all else? He doesn’t say “know that I am faithful.” He doesn’t say, “learn of
my wisdom.” 
His words are simple: “know
that I am God

He is God. There is no one besides Him. There’s no one greater than
Him. He is God: majestic, glorious, eternal. Perhaps we struggle too much to
know what He does and we miss the
heart of our faith: He is God. Perhaps
we watch too hard to see His hand in our lives that we miss the wonder of
seeing His face.
The God of the Universe, the God
of Creation, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings—He is our God. He is God of our thoughts, God of our plans, God of each
Bask in the light of His love.
Rejoice in His presence. Marvel in the fact that Almighty God is within you,
with you, and surrounds you. 
Rest in this simple truth: He is God.

Be still and know that He is God! 

photo credits
ice tea glass:

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    The Conversation

  1. Amen I love one version that states, Cease striving and know that I am God. thank you for sharing this. Beautiful.

  2. Wonderful blog, Sherry!

  3. Caroline says:

    Beautiful, as always. I love this scripture, and marvel that in spite of the exceedingly hard first six months this has been, God has been so marvelous in strengthening me, helping me grow closer to him, and providing answers to prayers that sometimes seem hopeless! Thanks!

  4. Jean Carter says:

    thanks for this. Now to see if I can really sit in HIs presence with no ageanda, nothing to take my attention away, my mind cleared of all things. Boy will that be hard for me to do. YES it will

  5. This is exactly what's been on my mind this week – the peace of sitting before Him! I have needed it. Thank you for your post, Sherry!

  6. Lyneta says:

    What a beautiful reminder! I need that reminder often, because I tend to be distracted by the noise. Thank you!

  7. We cannot be reminded too often to be still before God. Thank you, Sherry!