About Sherry
Sherry Carter’s Bible study, Life Principles for the Storms of Life, won the Award of Excellence at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christians Writers Conference.
She lives in Texas with her husband and one very spoiled greyhound. She’s the grandmother of two perfect grandchildren and a sports fan extraordinaire.
Imagine Sherry’s surprise, when she retired from her career as an engineer, to feel God’s call to be a writer. She wrote technical manuals and reviewed equipment drawings, and yet, God expected her to sit in front of a blank computer screen with a flashing cursor. It’s been an interesting journey.
Sherry grew up in a military family and, as a child, she traveled the world, from one Air Force base to another. She had many unique experiences that influenced her perspective on life.
After college, Sherry worked for several years at a leading cancer hospital. She learned the necessity of reliance on God to enrich her life and to give her peace in tragic situations.
As a NASA engineer at Johnson Space Center, she trained astronauts to perform experiments during space missions. She became awed by the miracle of God’s creation, both of the human body and the galaxies. In her last few years at NASA, she experienced a series of agonizing crises, including the loss of the space shuttle Columbia and its crew and the deaths of her mother and father-in-law.
Sherry’s life experiences, combined with over thirty years of Bible teaching, bring authority and richness to her writing. Even so, she realizes she has yet to explore the depth of God’s Word.